Comparison of Coping Styles and Self-system in Adolescents with Leukemia, Hemophilia and Healthy Control

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSC in Psychology, Department of Personality Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran

2 PhD in Psychology, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University(RA), Qazvin, Iran


Background: Having a chronic illness and going through its challenging and lengthy treatment can lead to significant stress and psychological damage for children. 

Objectives: The present study compared coping styles and self-systems (self-esteem, self-concept, and social self-efficacy) among teenagers with leukemia, hemophilia, and healthy control.

Methods: In this research, which was a causal-comparative method, the statistical sample included a total of 110 people from three groups of people in the age range of 12 to 15 years, including 30 teenagers with leukemia, 40 people with hemophilia, and 40 healthy teenagers during 2022-23 in Tehran, Iran, which were selected by convenience sampling method. Child and adolescent coping styles questionnaires (CCBQ), Rosenberg self-esteem (SES), Lipsite self-concept (SC), and Kenly adolescent social self-efficacy were used as work tools. A multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed utilizing SPSS version 22 software.

Results: The results indicated that the mean scores for leukemia and hemophilia groups in the deviation from the problem and destructive coping categories were significantly higher (0.007 and 0.002) than the healthy group. Moreover, it was evident that the healthy group had a substantially higher average (P=0.001) compared to the leukemia and hemophilia groups, suggesting that the two patient groups exhibited lower levels of self-esteem in comparison to the healthy group. 

Conclusion: The current research showed that coping styles like seeking social support, positive thinking, and spiritual beliefs are more common in patients, leading to higher social self-efficacy.


Acknowledgments: The authors express gratitude to everyone who assisted in the execution of the study.


Availability of data and materials: The data used in the research can be obtained from the corresponding author upon request either at the time of submission or after the publication of the study.


Conflicts of interest : The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


Consent for publication: The Publisher receives the signed Consent to Publish from the Authors in order to obtain permission to publish their Work.


Ethical approval and consent to participate: The research involving human subjects followed the ethical guidelines established by the Karaj Branch of Islamic Azad University under the code IR.IAU.K.REC.1402.098. The authors thank the participants for their help and valuable contributions to the study's success.The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration.


Financial disclosure: This study did not receive any financial assistance.


Authors’ contribution: A. A. G: Contributed to the conception of the work, revising the draft, approving the final version of the manuscript, and agreeing on all aspects of the work; R. K.: Contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, critical revision, and approval of the final version of the manuscript; A. A. G.: Contributed to acquiring data, drafting the manuscript, and approving the final version; R. K. and A. K.: Contributed to the conception and design of the study, critical revision, and approval of the manuscript's final version; A. A. G.: Contributed to the conception and design of the study, data interpretation, drafting of the manuscript and critical revision, and approval of final version.


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