Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Nursing, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran
2 Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran
3 Department of Cardiology, 9 Dey Educational Hospital, Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran
4 Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Nowshahr, Iran
5 Department of Extra-Corporeal Circulation (ECC), Razavi Hospital, Mashhad, Iran
Availability of data and materials: The dataset presented in the study is available on request from the corresponding author during submission or after its publication.
Conflicts of interest : The authors declare no conflict of interest in this study.
Consent for publication: The signed Consent to Publish send to the Publisher to permission of the Authors to publish the Work.
Ethics approval and consent to participate: This study was approved by the ethics committee of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences (IR.GMU.REC.1397.083) and complied with the Declaration of Helsinki; informed consent has been obtained from the subjects).Written informed consent was secured from all participants before their involvement in the research.
Financial disclosure: No financial support was received for this study
Authors’ contribution: A. M. P: Contributed to the conception of the work, revising the draft, approving the final version of the manuscript, and agreeing on all aspects of the work; M. P.: Contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, critical revision, and approval of the final version of the manuscript; R. Gh.: Contributed to acquiring data, drafting the manuscript, and approving the final version; M. E. Z. and M. T. A.: Contributed to the conception and design of the study, critical revision, and approval of the manuscript's final version; M.Y.: Contributed to the conception and design of the study, data interpretation, drafting of the manuscript and critical revision, and approval of final version.
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