Moderating Role of Psychological Distress in the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Relationship Quality

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran


Background: One of the factors related to the quality of couple relationships is childhood trauma.
Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the moderating role of psychological distress in the relationship between childhood trauma and relationship quality.
Methods: The current study was conducted based on a descriptive-correlational design. The statistical population included all married people over 18 years old in 2022. The sample size was calculated at 444 subjects who were selected from the statistical population via the available sampling method. Due to the spread of the omicron subvariant of COVID-19, sampling was performed online. The link of the questionnaires, which contained Bernstein's childhood trauma questionnaire (2003), Kessler's psychological distress (2002), and Pierce's relationship quality (1991), was provided to participants on WhatsApp and Telegram virtual networks, and they were asked to answer the questionnaires. The analysis method was correlation and Hayes regression, and the data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 21).
Results: The results of the study pointed out that childhood trauma and psychological distress have a significant role in predicting relationship quality, and the interaction effect of childhood trauma and psychological distress on relationship quality was also significant (β=0.172; P<0.01). The rate of Coefficient Of Determination (R2_change=0.0257; F=21.58) was significant, indicating the significant role of the moderator variable (P< 0.01).
Conclusion: As evidenced by the obtained results, psychological distress moderates the relationship between childhood trauma and the quality of relationships. That is to say, the high or low levels of psychological distress in people with childhood trauma determine the qualitative levels of relationships in married people.


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