The Second Razavi International Proctology Congress

Document Type : Original Article


1 Prociology Clinic, Razavi Hospital, Mashad, Iran

2 Department of Surgery, Gynepro Medical Bologna, Bologna, Italy

3 Department of Surgery, Nuovo Ospedale Civile S. Agostino-Estense, Modena, Italy

4 General surgery Department, Sanvito al Tagliamento Hospital, Sanvito al tagliamento, Italy

5 Colorectal and Pelvic Surgery Emergency Department, Policlinic of Umberto 1st College of Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

6 Proctology Unit, E. Riboli Hospital, Genoa, Italy


Purpose: Razavi hospital plays an important role in the field of medical research and tries to provide a good opportunityfor the researches and pioneers in different medical fields to share their knowledge. Considering the incidence and prevalence of colorectal diseases especially in Iran, these congresses may lead tofind the new solution.

Summary of Presented Findings: The rapid evolution of technology over the last decade has led to the development of new instruments, diag nostic appliances and synthetic or natural materials for tissue repair. The terms "quality of life" and "quality of care", are now familiar in proctology. This has radically changed the rules of this sub-specialty. Now the proctologist must have a familiarity with this technological cornucopia and the use of high-tech materials as well in or der to pursue a correct diagnosis and a proper treatment of the diseasesHence a continuous updating in this field is needed to the state of the art. 

Recommendation : Colorectal diseases such as Fistula, Haemorrhoid and Incontinence are common and because of the refractory cases, especially in the case of Fistula, we have to find the efficient treaments. It needs more time and more researches should be done. 
