Hospitalized Patients’ Satisfaction with Health Services and Nursing Index at A private general hospital in Mashhad

Document Type : Editorial


1 MSc in Industrial Engineering, Quality Improvement Manager, Razavi Hospital, Mashhad, Iran

2 MBA, Expert in Charge of Patients’ Affairs, Razavi Hospital, Mashhad, Iran


Background : Numerous health service-providing organizations have recently focused on patient satisfaction as a health service quality index. The present study aimed to determine the hospitalized patients' satisfaction with health services and the nursing index at a hospital during the unfavorable conditions arising from the COVID-19 outbreak. 
Methods:  The statistical population included all patients and nurses working in a private hospital in Mashhad, Iran. In total, 180 nurses and 377 patients were selected, and data were collected using a questionnaire developed by Qiu et al. (2019) and a patient satisfaction survey. Data analysis was performed in SPSS software (version 24) and Smart PLS. 
Results: Based on the results, efficient management had a significant positive effect on patients’ satisfaction with the nursing index. Moreover, it positively affected patients’ increased loyalty. Satisfaction with the nursing index exerted a significant positive effect on patients’ increased loyalty and strengthens the relationship between efficient management and patients’ increased loyalty. 
Conclusion: Efficient management in hospitals had a significant positive effect on patients’ satisfaction with the nursing index, the result of which could be patients’ increased loyalty. Considering the current unstable economic conditions, this can increase revenue and prevent the closure of hospital wards.


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