Health Tourism Inclined Toward Obtaining Accreditation

Document Type : Commentaries


1 Department of Quality Improvement, Razavi Hospital, Mashhad, IR Iran

2 Department of Education and Research, Razavi Hospital, Mashhad, IR Iran

3 Deputy of Financial and Administrative, Razavi Hospital, Mashhad, IR Iran


Context: In this study, it is tried to present a definition and description of health tourism as well as illustrating the essential infrastructures and the impacts of accreditation.
Evidence Acquisition: In this article, the related articles in websites and libraries were inspected and then the relevant ones that had more association with this subject were chosen and their contents were extracted. Results: Implementation of international accreditation standards has a significant effect on absorbing medical tourism and removes much of the dangers and disadvantages of medical tourism.
Conclusions: Since International Accreditation Standards have clearly stated all processes and organizations are required to implement them, obtaining the relevant licenses can ensure health tourist that they have selected the right country and the right hospital to access their desired medical services.


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