The Role of Parents’ Rearing Behaviors and Parenting Styles in Student’s Shyness

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Sciences, Azadshahr University of Educational Sciences, Azadshahr, IR Iran


Background: Family is one of the main factors forming children’s personality.
Objectives: The present study examines the role of different parenting styles in the manifestation of children’s shyness based on Seifer’s (1965) pattern (including authoritarian, authoritative, easy parenting, and insensitive parenting styles).
Patients and Methods: Sample of the study consisted of 205 children (105 boys and 100 girls). They were randomly selected from the first grade high school students of Shahrood Province that completed Seifer’s parenting style questionnaire and Cheek and Buss shyness scale. The data were analyzed by t-test and SPSS 21 software and ANOVA were used at the significant level of P < 0.05.
Results: Results demonstrated that there is a significant difference in shyness construct among children regarding various parenting styles. Amongst these styles, firstly authoritarian style and then insensitive style had maximum effect on children’s shyness (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Parenting styles and family atmosphere have important effect on children shyness at school. But educational styles can also affect students and peer group must not be ignored. Finally, we recommended parents to care about their behavior with their child as much as impossible. We recommended parents to pay attention about their behavior with their children more carefully.


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