Evaluation of the Relationship Between Prostate-Specific Antigen and Prostate Size and Also PSA and BMI in Subjects Referred to the Check-up Clinic of Razavi Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Education and Research, Razavi Hospital, Mashhad, IR Iran


Background: Defining the optimal prostate-specific antigen threshold to identify the patients at the highest risk of prostate cancer has always been a controversial issue.
Objectives: This study aims to analyze the diagnostic value of PSA and also evaluate the relationship between PSA (prostate-specific antigen) and BMI (body mass index) as well as PSA and prostate size and volume in asymptomatic subjects referred to the Check-up Clinic of Razavi Hospital.
Patients and Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study; the demographic data as well as total PSA and also prostate size of 1149 subjects who had referred to the Check-up Clinic of Razavi Hospital from 2006 to 2011 were evaluated according to their sonography reports. All the subjects were asymptomatic. Data were analyzed using SPSS as well as descriptive and statistical tests.
Results: The mean age of the subjects was 45 ± 12 and BMI was reported 27 ± 8. Very low and inverse correlation was determined between PSA and BMI. Non-significant correlation was reported (P = 0.08, r = 0.054). It was also observed that the correlation between PSA and prostate volume was greater than the correlation between PSA and height, width and length of prostate separately (P = 0.001, r = 0.394).
Conclusions: According to this study, there is a direct relationship between the age and PSA level. The more the age increases, the more PSA level increases. The highest average of PSA level is reported at the age of 60-69, so it can be considered as an appropriate suggestion for the screening of prostate cancer at least in North East of Iran. Although non-significant relationship is observed between PSA level and BMI in this study; but a significant relation has been reported in other studies focusing on the symptomatic subjects up to now. The mentioned significant relation may be the result of PSA > 10. The relation between these factors may become more obvious if a high amount of PSA is reported. This may lead us to develop other studies including the comparison between the mentioned factors on symptomatic and nonsymptomatic subjects.


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