Effectiveness of Behavioral-Cognitive Therapy in Sexual Self-Esteem and Marital Commitment of Couples' with Troubled Relationships

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Saveh , Iran


Background: Health in families is rooted in the maintenance and health of relationships between husbands and wives. Moreover,marital relationship is the core of families, disorders of which are threats to family survival.

Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of behavioral-cognitive therapy in sexual self-esteem and marital commitment of couples with troubled relationships in Tehran, Iran, during 2017.

Materials and Methods: This semi-experimental study was conducted based on a pre-test and post-test design with experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all couples with troubled relationships in Tehran, Iran, who were selected using a convenience sampling method and Cohen table for the sample size. The participants were then divided randomly into two groups of experimental (n=15) and control (n=15). The experimental group was asked to participate in 90-minute behavioral-cognitive therapy sessions (n=10). On the other hand, the control group remained on a waitlist. The data were collected using Dobel Naha and Schwarz's sexual self-esteem and Adams and Jones' marital commitment questionnaires. Moreover, the obtained data were analyzed in SPSS software (Version 22) through descriptive and inferential (covariance) statistics.

Results: Results showed that behavioral-cognitive therapy led to an increase in sexual self-esteem in couples with troubled relationships. Therefore, it can be stated that group behavioral-cognitive therapy is an effective method for improving self-esteem and marital commitment in couples.

Conclusion: It can be stated that behavioral-cognitive therapy helps family members to face problems effectively by resolving conflicts among family members and improving interpersonal relationships


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