A Study of Legal Supports in the Light of International Guidelines of Life Style among Patients with HIV/AIDS

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A of Psychology, Family Therapy department, Family Research Institute, ShahidBeheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD of Educational Management, College of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Background: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a fatal neurologic disorder caused by a defect in the immune system.

Objectives: The present research was conducted with the aim of studying legal supports in light of international guidelines of lifestyle among patients with HIV/AIDS.

Methods: This study was practical in terms of objectives and descriptive in terms of data collection method. Moreover, it was qualitative in terms of the data type. The population consisted of two groups, legal experts (ShahidBeheshti University, Imam Sadiq, Tehran and Allameh University) and HIV Patients. Eight experts and thirteen patients were selected using purposive sampling. Data collection was through semi-structured interviews. All interviews were recorded and implemented and after a few evaluations, categories, sub- categories and codes, the smallest meaningful units, were extracted and classified. Content analysis of conventional (customary) methods was used for analysis of qualitativedata.

Results: Generally, the results indicated that the legal binding items in relation to the patient with AIDS are absent or rarely available so that improving lifestyle at the international level and within the country and in developed countries based on their own country specific rules and human rights is reallydifficult.

Conclusion: International study guidelines on AIDS and Human Rights can really have an effect on reducing the vulnerability of patients and impunity of prone people.


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