Relationship between Schemas and Child-rearing Styles with Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder in Students of Iran University of Science and Technology

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A Graduated in Department of Clinical Psychology, College of Humanities, Varamin- Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D in Department of General Psychology, College of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran, Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Background: Generally, primary maladaptive schemas and child-rearing styles are variables that affect behaviors of obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD).

Objectives: The present study aimed to examine the relationship between schemas and child-rearing styles with obsessive-compulsive disorder in the students of Iran University of Science and Technology in 2017.

Methods: Research method was practical in terms of objective; it was descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all students with obsession ((BA students of Iran University of Science and Technology(240 students)); out of whom 150 individuals were selected as a sample size(through Cochran sample size formula), using a convenience sampling method. Data collection was done based on early maladaptive schemas questionnaire, child-rearing styles questionnaire, and Yeel Brown's (1989) obsessive- compulsive disorder questionnaire. The analysis of the data obtained from implementing the questionnaires was done through SPSS19 software in two sections: descriptive and inferential (Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multifold Regression).

Results: Results showed that there was a relationship between early maladaptive schemas and obsessive-compulsive disorder of students(P<0.5). In addition, research results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between child-rearing styles and obsessive- compulsivedisorder (authoritarian, permissive, neglectful)(P<0.1).

Conclusion: Considering the fact that measurement of the relationship between these variables was done for TehranUniversity of Science and Technology, it is recommended that a study similar to this study be done for Tehran's private institutions, schools, and universities; and the results must be compared.


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