A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Difficulties, Distress Tolerance and Affect Balance among Imprisoned Women Accused of Fraud and Ordinary Women

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Saveh, Iran


Background: Differences among ordinary and imprisoned people are in terms of both physiologic and biologic properties and mental and social characteristics.
Objectives: This study aims to compare the emotion regulation difficulties, distress tolerance and affect balance between ordinary and imprisoned women accused of fraud to clarify the importance of emotion regulation and the recognition of people's excitement in improving the quality of healthy life.
Methods: This research is an applied work conducted by the causal-comparative method. The statistical universe of this study consists of 120 individuals including 50 imprisoned women accused of fraud in Rey Prison as well as 70 ordinary women without any criminal records that were randomized from Tehran. The research tools are as follows: Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS) and Affect Balance Scale (ABS).
Results: The results show a difference between the difficulties of emotion regulation, distress tolerance and affect balance of women accused of fraud and ordinary people. Our results show that women accused of fraud compared to ordinary women according to the value (t = 37.11) at a significance level of 0.01 are at a lower level in their emotional settings. Also due to the amount (t = -11.68), a higher level of distress and stress tolerance of ordinary women compared to the defendants was shown and according to the value (t = -4.83), there is a significant difference in the affectwhere female fraudsters are at a lower level versusordinary ones.
Conclusion: The imprisoned women should be paid specially into attention in terms of emotion regulation, distress tolerance and affect balance.


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