Educational Need Assessment of Nursing Personnel According to Global Evolution and Change (Case Study: Tehran Firouzgar Hospital)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Educational Research, College of Psychology and Educational Science, Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Member of Faculty in Department of Educational Science, College of Psychology and Educational Science, Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Educational management, college of Management and economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Background: Because of the fundamental role that nursing occupation, such as other sciences in the society, it cannot be separated from the changes with the advancement of technology and the advancements in social medicine.

Objectives: The present research was conducted with the aim of the educational needs assessment of nursing staff according to the universal changes in Firouzgar Hospital in Tehran.

Methods: The research was a mixed method with an exploratory approach. The research quantitative population consisted of all nurses in Firouzgar Hospital of Tehran; among whom 251 individuals were selected as a sample size using Morgan table and stratified random sampling method. In the qualitative section, using purposive sampling method and the principle of saturation in the sample, 11 supervisors and 10 doctors were selected. Data collection in the qualitative section was based on semi-structured interviews and also the employment of standard questionnaire in the quantitative section. The obtained data using the questionnaire in two sections of qualitative (codifying) and quantitative were analysed in two levels of descriptive and inferential.

Results: The research findings indicated that staff educational needs in Firouzgar Hospital according to universal changes are as follows: New individual needs, educational needs, social needs and career needs; among which only occupational new individual needs are in a desirable situation.

Conclusion: It is concluded that the nurses, like many other businesses, for various reasons, over time, distance themselves from the necessary capacities and delicacies in performing their roles, and in such a situation only the training can fill these gaps.


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