The Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Body Image inWomen between the Ages of Thirty and Forty after Beauty Surgeries


1 Faculty Member, Department of General Psychology, College of Psychology and Social Sciences, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of General Psychology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IR Iran


Abstract Background: In the 20th century, especially over the last decades, there have been new interpretations of beauty; and beauty is defined to include a set of components such as fitness, using cosmetics, clothing, attractiveness, and physical perfection. Objectives: The present study was aimed to examine the effect of acceptance-based and commitment-based therapy on body image in women between the ages of thirty and forty after beauty surgeries. Methods: This research was semi-experimental, using a pre-test post-test design, with a control group. The statistical population consisted of all individuals who visited Sepita Skin and Health Care Clinic, from whom 15 women were considered for a control group and 15 women were considered for an experiment group. Data collection tools included a body image questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a single-variable covariance analysis method. Results: The results of body image covariance analysis (ANCOVA) show that there is a significant difference between body image mean values in control and experiment groups, in terms of post-test scores. The women of the experiment group had a better condition than the women of the control group in terms of body image. Conclusions: Based on findings, it can be stated that commitment-based and acceptance-based therapy affects body image in women between the ages of thirty and forty after beauty surgeries.


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