The Preliminary Study of the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation Difficulties, Callous-Unemotional Traits and the Emergence of Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Outpatient Adolescents


1 Department of Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, IR Iran

2 Department of Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, IR Iran

3 Young Researchers and Elite Club, Shiraz, IR Iran


Abstract Background: Previous researchhasdemonstratedthatoppositionaldefiant is a strongpredictorofmental illness that cause significant distress for adolescents whomanifest the disorder and pose remarkable costs for society. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of callous-unemotional traits and emotion regulation difficulties in pre- dicting oppositional defiant disorder. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-correlative study performed on a sample of 320 male high school students, chosen via multi-stage random sampling. Instruments used to collect data are inclusive of oppositional defiant behavior inventory (ODBI), diffi- culties in emotion regulation strategies scale (DERS) and inventory of callous-unemotional traits (ICU). Results: The results suggest a significant relationship between oppositional defiant behavior, impulse control difficulties and callous- ness. Regression analysis revealed that 16% variance of oppositional defiant behavior can be explained by impulse control difficulties and callousness. Conclusions: Our findings highlight the importance of callousness and impulse control difficulties in development of oppositional defiantdisorder. Moving forward, clinicians should consider the importance of these variables intheir future researchto identifymech- anismthrough which callousness and impulse control difficulties enhances risk of oppositional defiant disorder


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