Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis With Angioedema Caused by Exogenous Progesterone in a Pregnant Woman: A Case Report


1 Department of Emergency Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, IR Iran

2 Department of Psychiatry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, IR Iran

3 Honorary Fellow Research, Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, UK


Introduction: Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis (APD) is an uncommon immunologic condition accompanied with dermatologic manifestations and caused by an immune response to endogenous or exogenous progesterone in women during their reproductive years. We report a case of APD in a pregnant woman who received exogenous progesterone to prevent preterm delivery. Case Presentation: A 28-year-old female who was 17 weeks pregnant was referred to the emergency department with the complaint of progressive edema in the dorsal side of her right hand and progressive dyspnea. Intradermal skin test using 50 mg/mL progesterone resulted in 15 mm wheal in the injected area and approved the diagnosis of APD. Conclusions: Patients with APD may have very different symptoms requiring immediate care; therefore, being informed about this condition is necessary for the physicians in emergency and obstetrics and gynecology departments. Also a positive history of such condition in a pregnant woman necessitates precautions in the management of her pregnancy due to the potential of anaphylactic events.


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